Email von Michael Murphy vom 7. August 2012

It’s finally here, “WHY in the World are They Spraying?”‏

After over a year of hard work and research, “WHY in the World are They Spraying?” is complete and ready to ship out to the public next week.  We have had the chance to send out screener copies to a few individuals and have received an incredible response from all who have stated that this film will be the most informative and effective film to date in moving closer to getting these damaging programs stopped.  As always, we are encouraging those who purchase a DVD to make copies and hand out for free.  This helps to both fund future projects and create activism around the world. As a matter of fact, thousands have been making copies of the first film and handing them out. This has helped to create an awakening around the world.  DVDS of “WHY in the World are They Spraying?” and other information about the film can be found at:

Thanks again for all of your support and please, “keep looking up!!!”

Michael J. Murphy


Michael J. Murphy glaubt auch fest daran, dass wir das globale Chemtrail-Projekt stoppen können. Sein neuer Film „“WHY in the World are They Spraying?” (Nachfolgefilm von „What in the World are They Spraying?„) wird einen großen Beitrag dazu leisten.

Lesen Sie hierzu auch: „Hochkarätig besetzte Konferenz über Chemtrails in Los Angeles (USA)